GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.06MB]
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122APPENDIXEND USER NOTICEThe marks of companies displayed bythis product to indicate business loca-tions are the marks of their respectiveowners. The use of such marks in thisproduct does not imply any sponsor-ship, approval, or endorsement bysuch companies of this product.END-USER TERMSThe data ("Data") is provided for yourpersonal, internal use only and not forresale. It is protected by copyright, andis subject to the following terms andconditions which are agr eed to by you,on the one hand, and DENSO COR-PORATION ("[CLIENT]") and its licen-sors (including their licensors and sup-pliers) on the other hand.W 2005 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved.The Data for areas of Canada includesinformation taken with permission fromCanadian authorities, including: W HerMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada,W Queen's Printer for Ontario, W Cana-da Post Corporation, GeoBase TERMS AND CONDITIONSPersonal Use Only . You agree to usethis Data together with the navigationsystem for the solely personal, non-commercial purposes for which youwere licensed, and not for service bu-reau, time-sharing or other similar pur-poses. Accordingly, but subject to therestrictions set forth in the followingparagraphs, you may copy this Dataonly as necessary for your personaluse to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, pro-vided that you do not remove any copy-right notices that appear and do notmodify the Data in any way. You agreenot to otherwise reproduce, copy,modify, decompile, disassemble or re-verse engineer any portion of thisData, and may not transfer or distributeit in any form, for any purpose, exceptto the extent permitted by mandatorylaws. Data provided in multi-disc setsmay not be transferred or sold on a di-vided or single disc basis.Restrictions. Except where you havebeen specifically licensed to do so by[CLIENT], and without limiting the pre-ceding paragraph, you may not (a) usethis Data with any products, systems,or applications installed or otherwiseconnected to or in communication withvehicles, capable of vehicle naviga-tion, positioning, dispatch, real timeroute guidance, fleet management orsimilar applications; or (b) with or incommunication with any positioningdevices or any mobile or wireless-con-nected electronic or computer devices,including without limitation cellularphones, palmtop and handheld com-puters, pagers, and personal digital as-sistants or PDAs.
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