GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.06MB]
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125APPENDIXand; (ii) for civilian agency acquisi-tions, the NAVTEQ Data is licensed inaccordance with the rights set forth atFAR 52.227-14(g)(1), RIGHTS INDATA-GENERAL (Protection of limit-ed rights data and computer software).In the event that the Contracting Offi-cer requires the delivery of limitedrights NAVTEQ Data that has beenwithheld or would otherwise be with-holdable in accordance with FAR52.227-14(g)(1), the NAVTEQ Data islicensed with "Limited Rights" as setforth in the following "Limited RightsNotice" at FAR 52.227-14(g)(2) (Alter-nate II), which shall be affixed to theNAVTEQ Data and the NAVTEQ Datashall be treated in accordance withsuch Notice (which shall be marked onany reproduction of the NAVTEQ Data,in whole or in part):If the Contracting Officer refuses to useeither of the licenses provided in (i) or(ii), herein, the Contracting Officermust notify NAVTEQ North America,LLC prior to seeking additional or alter-native rights in the NAVTEQ Data.LIMITED RIGHTS NOTICE (JUN 1987)These data are submitted with limit-ed rights under Government Con-tract No. _____ (and subcontract______, if appropriate). These datamay be reproduced and used by theGovernment with the express limita-tion that they will not, without writtenpermission of the Contractor, beused for purposes of manufacturenor disclosed outside the Govern-ment; except that the Governmentmay disclose these data outside theGovernment for the following pur-poses, if any, provided that the Gov-ernment makes such disclosuresubject to prohibition against furtheruse and disclosure: There are noadditional purposes permitting dis-closure of such Data.The manufacturer/supplier of theData is NAVTEQ, 222 MerchandiseMart Plaza, Suite 900, Chicago, Illi-nois 60654.
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