GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.06MB]
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124APPENDIXEntire Agreement . These terms andconditions constitute the entire agree-ment between [CLIENT] (and its licen-sors, including their licensors and sup-pliers) and you pertaining to the sub-ject matter hereof, and supersedes intheir entirety any and all written or oralagreements previously existing be-tween us with respect to such subjectmatter.Governing Law. The above terms andconditions shall be governed by thelaws of the State of Illinois [insert"Netherlands" where European NAV-TEQ Data is used], without giving ef-fect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions,or (ii) the United Nations Conventionfor Contracts for the International Saleof Goods, which is explicitly excluded.You agree to submit to the jurisdictionof the State of Illinois [insert "The Neth-erlands" where European NAVTEQData is used] for any and all disputes,claims and actions arising from or inconnection with the Data provided toyou hereunder.Government End Users. If the NAV-TEQ Data is being acquired by or onbehalf of the United States govern-ment or any other entity seeking or ap-plying rights similar to those customari-ly claimed by the United States govern-ment, (i) for acquisitions conducted bythe Department of Defense, the NAV-TEQ Data is licensed with "LimitedRights" in accordance with the rightsset forth at DFARS252.227-7013(b)(3), TECHNICALDATA-NONCOMMERCIAL ITEMS,and NAVTEQ Data delivered or other-wise furnished with "Limited Rights"shall be marked with the following"Limited Rights Notice" set forth atDFARS 252.227-7013(f)(3), and shallbe treated in accordance with such No-tice:LIMITED RIGHTSCONTRACT NO.: ____________________________CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTUR-ER/ SUPPLIER) NAME: NAVTEQCONTRACTOR (MANUFACTUR-ER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: 222Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 900,Chicago, Illinois 60654The Government's rights to use,modify, reproduce, release, perform,display, or disclose these technicaldata are restricted by paragraph(b)(3) of the Rights in TechnicalData-Noncommercial Items clausecontained in the above identifiedcontract. Any reproduction of techni-cal data or portions thereof markedwith this legend must also reproducethe markings. Any person, otherthan the Government, who has beenprovided access to such data mustpromptly notify the above namedContractor.
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