123APPENDIXWarning . The Data may contain inac-curate or incomplete information dueto the passage of time, changing cir-cumstances, sources used and the na-ture of collecting comprehensive geo-graphic data, any of which may lead toincorrect results.No Warranty. This Data is provided toyou "as is," and you agree to use it atyour own risk. [CLIENT] and its licen-sors (and their licensors and suppliers)make no guarantees, representationsor warranties of any kind, express orimplied, arising by law or otherwise, in-cluding but not limited to, content, qual-ity, accuracy, completeness, effective-ness, reliability, fitness for a particularpurpose, usefulness, use or results tobe obtained from this Data, or that theData or server will be uninterrupted orerror-free.Disclaimer of Warranty: [CLIENT] ANDITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) DIS-CLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, EX-PRESS OR IMPLIED, OF QUALITY,PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABIL-ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGE-MENT. Some States, Territories andCountries do not allow certain warrantyexclusions, so to that extent the aboveexclusion may not apply to you.Disclaimer of Liability : [CLIENT] ANDITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS)SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU INRESPECT OF ANY CLAIM, DEMANDOR ACTION, IRRESPECTIVE OFTHE NATURE OF THE CAUSE OFTHE CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTIONALLEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY ORDAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT,WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THEUSE OR POSSESSION OF THE IN-FORMATION; OR FOR ANY LOSSOF PROFIT, REVENUE, CON-TRACTS OR SAVINGS, OR ANYOTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCI-DENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABIL-ITY TO USE THIS INFORMATION,ANY DEFECT IN THE INFORMA-TION, OR THE BREACH OF THESETERMS OR CONDITIONS, WHETH-ER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT ORTORT OR BASED ON A W ARRANTY,EVEN IF [CLIENT] OR ITS LICEN-SORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAM-AGES. Some States, Territories andCountries do not allow certain liabilityexclusions or damages limitations, soto that extent the above may not applyto you.Export Control. You agree not to ex-port from anywhere any part of theData provided to you or any directproduct thereof except in compliancewith, and with all licenses and approv-als required under, applicable exportlaws, rules and regulations.