121APPENDIXEND USER LICENSE AGREEMENTPersonal Use Only. You agree to usethis information for solely personal,non-commercial purposes, and not forservice bureau, time-sharing or othersimilar purposes. You may not modifythe information or remove any copy-right notices that appear on the infor-mation in any way. You may not de-compile, disassemble or reverse engi-neer any portion of this information,and may not transfer or distribute it inany form, for any purpose. Without lim-iting the foregoing, you may not usethis information with any products, sys-tems, or applications installed or other-wise connected to or in communicationwith vehicles, capable of vehicle navi-gation, positioning, dispatch, real timeroute guidance, fleet management orsimilar applications.No Warranty. This information is pro-vided to you "as is," and you agree touse it at your own risk. DENSO and itslicensors (and their licensors and sup-pliers, collectively "DENSO") make noguarantees, representations or war-ranties of any kind, express or implied,arising by law or otherwise, includingbut not limited to, and DENSO ex-pressly disclaims any warranties re-garding content, quality, accuracy,completeness, effectiveness, reliabil-ity, fitness for a particular purpose,non-infringement, usefulness, use orresults to be obtained from this infor-mation, or that the information or serv-er will be uninterrupted or error-free.Some states, territories and countriesdo not allow certain warranty exclu-sions, so to that extent, the above ex-clusion may not apply to you.Disclaimer of Liability: DENSO SHALLNOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANYCLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IR-RESPECTIVE OF ITS NATURE, AL-LEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY ORDAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, IN-DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, IN-CLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFIT,REVENUE OR CONTRACTS ARIS-ING OUT OF YOUR POSSESSION,USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THISINFORMATION, ANY DEFECT INTHE INFORMATION, OR THEBREACH OF THESE TERMS ORCONDITIONS, WHETHER IN AN AC-TION IN CONTRACT OR TORT ORBASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IFDENSO OR ITS LICENSORS HAVEBEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL-ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Somestates, territories and countries do notallow certain liability exclusions ordamages limitations, so to that extentthe above may not apply to you.Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, de-fend and hold DENSO and its licensors(including their respective licensors,suppliers, assignees, subsidiaries, af-filiated companies, and the respectiveofficers, directors, employees, share-holders, agents and representatives ofeach of them) free and harmless fromand against any liability, loss, injury (in-cluding injuries resulting in death), de-mand, action, cost, expense, or claimof any kind or character, including butnot limited to attorney's fees, arisingout of or in connection with any use orpossession by you of this information.