HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM218SELECTING A DESIRED FILEU6012AASLY"SEEK/TRACK" button: Use for directaccess to a desired file.Push the "" or "" button of the "SEEK/TRACK" button and repeat it until the de-sired file number appears on the display.As you release the button, the changer willstart playing the selected file from the be-ginning. When "RAND" or "FLD.RPT" ison, the file number within the folder you arecurrently listening to appears.Fast forward: Push the "" button of the"SEEK/TRACK" button and hold it to fastforward the disc. When you release thebutton, the changer will resume playingfrom that position.Reverse: Push the "" button of the"SEEK/TRACK" button and hold it to re-verse the disc. When you release the but-ton, the changer will resume playing."TUNE/FILE" knob: Use for direct accessto a desired file in the disc.Turn the "TUNE/FILE" knob to step up ordown all the files in the disc you are cur-rently listening to. The file number ap-pears on the display. When "RAND" or"FLD.RPT" is on, all the files in the folderyou are currently listening to can bestepped up or down.
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