HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM233DESCRIPTION OF DVD AUDIO CON-TROLS"Top Menu": If you select this button, themenu screen for DVD audio appears. (Forthe operation, see the manual that comewith the DVD audio disc provided sepa-rately.): The menu control key appears on thescreen. (See page 233.): Selecting this will pause the disc.: Selecting this will fast reverse dur-ing playback.: Selecting this will stop the disc.: Selecting this will resume normalplay during pause.: Selecting this will fast forward dur-ing playback and forward frame by frameduring pause.SELECTING A MENU ITEMU6052LCEnter the menu item using ,, and and select"Enter". The player starts playing discfor that menu item. Menu items canalso be selected using the pointer. (Fordetails, see the manual that comes withthe DVD disc provided separately.)When you select the any point on thescreen, the controls will disappear. To dis-play them again, select the any point onthe screen.When you select , the previousscreen returns.
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