HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../7.pdf - 4.38MB
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM264CD changer or DVD changerUse this switch to skip up or down to a dif-ferent track, file or chapter in either direc-tion.To select a desired track, file or chapter:Quickly push and release the "" or ""side of the switch until the track, file orchapter you want to play is set. If you wantto return to the beginning of the currenttrack, file or chapter, push the "" side ofthe switch once, quickly.To select a desired disc:Push and hold the "" or "" switch untilyou hear a beep to change to the next orthe previous disc. Repeat this operationuntil you reach the disc you want to listento.Bluetooth audio playerUse this switch to skip up or down to a dif-ferent track or album in either direction.To select a desired track:Quickly push and release the " " or ""side of the switch until the track you wantto listen to is set. If you want to return to thebeginning of the current track, push the"" side of the switch once quickly.To select a desired album:Push and hold "" or "" switch until youhear a beep to change to the next or theprevious album. Repeat this operation un-til you reach the album you want to listento.USB memory/iPodUse this switch to skip up or down to a dif-ferent file or track in either direction.To select a desired file or track:Push the "" or "" side of the switch un-til the file or track you want to listen to is set.If you want to return to the beginning of thecurrent file or track, push the "" side ofthe switch once quickly.To select a desired folder (USB memoryplayer only):Push and hold "" or "" switch until youhear a beep to change to the next or theprevious folder. Repeat this operation untilyou reach the folder you want to listen to.
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