HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../7.pdf - 4.38MB
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM224U6008AASLY2. Insert only one disc while the DVDchanger door is open.You can set a disc at the lowest empty discnumber.After insertion, the set disc is automaticallyloaded.If the label faces down, the disc cannot beplayed. In this case, "Check disc " ap-pears on the screen.If you do not insert the disc within 15 sec-onds after pushing the "LOAD" button, abeep will sound and the operation will becanceled automatically.If you need to insert the next disc, repeatthe same procedure to insert another disc. Setting all the discs:U6007AASLY1. Push the "LOAD" button until youhear a beep.The amber indicators at both ends of theslot start blinking. After the amber indica-tors change to green and stay on, the DVDchanger door will open.U6008AASLY2. Insert only one disc while the DVDchanger door is open.The DVD changer door closes and the am-ber indicators start blinking.
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