HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM246Marks shown on DVD video discs:Indicates NTSCformat of color TV.Indicates the numberof audio tracks.Indicates the numberof language subtitles.Indicates the numberof angles.Indicates the screen tobe selected.Wide screen: 16:9Standard: 4:3Indicates a region codeby which this video disccan be played.ALL: in all countriesNumber: region codeDVD VIDEO DISC GLOSSARYDVD video discs: Digital Versatile Discthat holds video. DVD video discs haveadopted "MPEG2", one of the world stan-dards of digital compression technologies.The picture data is compressed by 1/40 onaverage and stored. Variable rate en-coded technology in which the volume ofdata assigned to the picture is changed de-pending on the picture format has alsobeen adopted. Audio data is stored usingPCM and Dolby Digital, which enableshigher quality of sound. Furthermore, mul-ti−angle and multi−language features willalso help you enjoy the more advancedtechnology of DVD video.Viewer restrictions: This feature limitswhat can be viewed in conformity with alevel of restrictions of the country. The lev-el of restrictions varies depending on theDVD video disc. Some DVD video discscannot be played at all, or violent scenesare skipped or replaced with other scenes.Level 1: DVD video discs for children canbe played.Level 2 − 7: DVD video discs for childrenand G−rated movie can be played.Level 8: All types of the DVD video discscan be played.Multi−angle feature: You can enjoy thesame scene at different angles.Multi−language feature: You can select alanguage of the subtitle and audio.Region codes: The region codes are pro-vided on DVD players and DVD discs. Ifthe DVD video disc does not have thesame region code as the DVD player, youcannot play the disc on the DVD player.For region codes, see page 246.
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