HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM196U600BLC5. Select the desired button."Normal":Displays a 3 : 4 screen, witheither side in black."Wide 1":Widens the 3 : 4 screen hori-zontally to fill the screen."Wide 2":Widens the 3 : 4 screen ver-tically and horizontally, in the same ratio, to fill thescreen.When you select , the previousscreen returns.6. Select "OK".(g) Your CD or DVD changerWhen you insert a disc, push the "LOAD"button and gently push the disc in with thelabel side up. This CD or DVD changercan store up to six discs.The changer is intended for use with 4.7 in.(12 cm) discs only.U6003AASLYNOTICE Do not stack up two discs for inser-tion, or it will cause damage to thechanger. Insert only one disc intothe slot at a time. Never try to disassemble or oil anypart of the changer. Do not insertanything other than a disc into theslot.
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