HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 4.38MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../7.pdf - 4.38MB
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90page / 4.38MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM252Reconnecting the portable playerIf the portable player is disconnected witha poor reception from the Bluetooth net-work when the "POWER" switch is in AC-CESSORY or ON mode, the system auto-matically reconnects the portable player.If the Bluetooth is disconnected on pur-pose such as you turned your portableplayer off, this does not happen.Reconnect it by the following method. Select the portable player again. Enter the portable player.(b) Playing a Bluetooth audio Playing and pausing a Bluetooth audioU6145LCSelect "BT" tab if the Bluetooth audioplayer is already connected.Select and the music will start playing.Select and the music will pause.Select and the music will start playingagain.Depending on the portable player that isconnected to the system, the music maystart playing when selecting while it ispaused. On the other hand, the music maypause when selecting while it is play-ing.
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