ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.13MB]
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LEXUS PARKING ASSIST- SENSOR278The Lexus parking assist-sensor is awarning system used when parking thevehicle at low speed (e.g. into a garage).It uses an ultrasonic sensor, whichchecks the approximate distance to anobstacle. It will inform you of theapproximate distance to an obstacle bydisplaying information on the multi-in-formation display and the screen, andwith beeping sounds.1Front corner sensorsThere is one of these installed on each cor-ner of the front bumper, they inspect ob-stacles and will sound a warning depend-ing on the distance to the obstacle. (See" - Front corner sensors" on page 280.)2Rear corner sensorsThere is one of these installed on each cor-ner of the rear bumper, they inspect ob-stacles and will sound a warning depend-ing on the distance to the obstacle. (See" - Rear corner sensors" on page 281.)3Back sensorsThere are two of these installed near thecenter of the rear bumper, they inspect ob-stacles and will sound a warning depend-ing on the distance to the obstacle. (See" - Back sensors" on page 282.)To use the parking assist-sensor, withthe "ENGINE START STOP" switch inIGNITION ON mode, push "" or " "of the satellite switch to select the park-ing assist-sensor and then push theON/OFF button. Selecting the parkingassist-sensor and pushing the ON/OFFbutton of the satellite switch again willturn the parking assist-sensor off.When you turn on the parking assist-sen-sor, the indicator light in the instrumentcluster comes on and a beep sounds forone second, indicating that the parking as-sist-sensor is turned on.The parking assist-sensor will remain oneven after turning the "ENGINE STARTSTOP" switch to OFF and then to IGNI-TION ON mode with the main switch on.However, a beep does not sound at thistime.If an error is detected in the Lexus parkingassist-sensor while self-checking, beepssound and a warning appears in the multi-information display and on the screen. Fordetails, see " - Lexus parking assist-sen-sor failure warning" on page 285.Lexus parkingassist-sensor -
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