ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.25MB]
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2BASIC FUNCTIONSIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)When the engine switch is in "ACC" or"IG-ON" mode, the initial screen will bedisplayed and the system will begin oper-ating.CAUTIONWhen the vehicle is stopped with theengine running, always apply theparking brake for safety.After a few seconds, the "CAUTION"screen will be displayed.Touch "English", "Francais" or "Es-panol" to select a language.When "I Agree" is touched on thescreen, the map screen will be dis-played.The "CAUTION" screen will be displayedwhen the "INFO" button is pushed and"Language" is touched. Then select alanguage. (See "Selecting a language" onpage 158.) Maintenance informationThis system informs about when to replacecertain parts or components and showsdealer information (if registered) on thescreen.When the vehicle reaches a previously setdriving distance or date specified for ascheduled maintenance check, the "Infor-mation" screen will be displayed when thenavigation system is in operation.To disable this screen, touch "Do NotDisplay This Message Again.". screen goes off if the screen is not op-erated for several seconds.To prevent this information screen from be-ing displayed again, touch "Do NotDisplay This Message Again." .To register "Maintenance information", see"Maintenance information" on page 96.Initial screen
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