MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全168ページ 2.15MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.15MB
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119OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATION CONTROLS DATA INDEXSOCKET FOR ONBOARD DIAGNOSTIC S OBD CARING FOR YOUR VEHICLEPrimary components of exhaust emissions can be checked by a device via the OBD socket.This socket is located to the left of the driver's side, on the bottom of the instru-ment panel underneath a cover.Exhaust emission valuesThe warning lamp comes on. The exhaust emissions have deterio-rated. Have the vehicle checked as soon as possible.Display of the malfunction described above in Canadian mod-els.Under some circumstances, the lamp will flash. This indicates severe engine misfir-ing. In this case, you should reduce your speed and visit your nearest MINI Dealer as soon as possible. Severe engine misfiring can quickly lead to se rious damage of emis-sions-related components, especially the catalytic converter.If the fuel filler cap is not properly tightened, the OBD system may con-clude that fuel vapors are escaping, causing an indicator to light up. If the filler cap is then tightened, the indicator should go out within a few days.<Suitable car-care products Use the cleaning and car-care prod-ucts available at your MINI Dealer. <Washing your vehicleYou can wash your new MINI or MINI Con-vertible in automatic car washes from the beginning. Preference should be for cloth car washes. If, due to lack of availability, brush car washes must be used, modern systems with soft brushes should be given preference.When using steam cleaners or high-pressure cleaners, maintain sufficient distance to the vehicle and do not exceed a maximum temperature of 140 7/606. If the jet is too close or the pressure is too high, this can lead to damage or initial damage that can develop into more serious damage. Water that enters vehicle compo-nents can lead to damage over the long term. After washing the vehicle, apply the brakes briefly to dry them, otherwise water can reduce braking efficiency over the short term and the brake rotors can corrode. Switch the rain sensor off when passing through an automatic car wash, refer to page62. Failure to do so could result in
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