MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
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MOBILITY Replacing components2206. Tighten all the lug bolts firmly in a diagonal pattern.7. Lower the vehicle.8. Remove the jack.Tightening the lug boltsTighten the lug bolts in a diagonal pattern.Immediately have the wheels checked with a calibrated torque wrench to ensure that the lug bolts are firmly seated. Otherwise, incorrectly tightened lu g bolts can present a safety hazard. <Tightening torque: 103.3 lb ft or 140 Nm.Replace the defective tire as soon as possible and have the new wheel/tire assembly bal-anced.Vehicle batteryMaintenanceThe battery is 100% maintenance-free, the electrolyte will last for the life of the battery when the vehicle is operated in a temperate cli-mate.Battery replacementOnly use vehicle batteries that have been approved for your vehicle by the manu-facturer; otherwise, the vehicle could be dam-aged and systems or func tions may not be fully available. <After a battery replacement, have the battery registered on the vehicle by your MINI dealer to ensure that all comfort functions are fully avail-able.Charging the batteryOnly charge the battery in the vehicle when the engine is off. Connections, refer to Jump-start-ing on page 222 .DisposalAfter replacing old ba tteries, return the used batteries to your MINI dealer or to a recycling center. Maintain the battery in an upright position for transport and storage. Always secure the battery against tipping over during transport.<Power failureAfter a temporary power loss, some equipment may not be fully functional and may require ini-tialization. Individual se ttings are also lost and must be reprogrammed:>Time and date These values must be updated, page 64 .>Radio In some cases, stations may have to be stored again, page 137 .>Onboard monitorOperability must be waited for, page 112 .>Glass sunroof, electricIt may only be possible to tilt the sunroof, if applicable. The system must be initialized. Contact your near est MINI dealer.FusesDo not attempt to repair a blown fuse or replace it with a fuse of a different color or Ampere rating. To do this could cause a fire in the vehicle resulting from a circuit overload. Have fuses replaced by your MINI dealer.<A fuse allocation diagram is located on the inside of the fuse box cover panels.
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