V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors03103ResettingIf the battery is disconnected then the functionfor automatic opening must be reset so that itcan work correctly.1. Gently raise the front section of the buttonto raise the window to its end position andhold it there for one second.2. Release the button briefly.3. Raise the front section of the button againfor one second.WARNINGResetting must be carried out to ensure thatpinch protection works.Door mirrorsDoor mirror controls.Adjusting1.Press the L button for the left-hand doormirror or the R button for the right-handdoor mirror. The light in the button illumi-nates.2. Adjust the position with the joystick in thecentre.3.Press the L or R button again. The lightshould no longer be illuminated.WARNINGThe mirror on the driver's side is the wide-angle type to provide optimal vision.Objects may appear further away than theyactually are.Storing the position1The mirror positions are stored in the key mem-ory when the car has been locked with theremote control key. When the car is unlockedwith the same remote control key the mirrorsand the driver's seat adopt the stored positionswhen the driver's door is opened.The function can be activated/deactivated inthe menu system MY CAR under SettingsCar settings Car key memory Personalsettings in key memory . For a description ofthe menu system, see page 203.Angling the door mirror when parking1The door mirror can be angled down for thedriver to view the side of the road when parkingfor example.–Engage reverse gear and press the L or Rbutton.When reverse gear is disengaged the mirrorautomatically returns to its original position1Only in combination with power seat with memory, see page 81.
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