V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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02 Locks and alarm Keyless drive*02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.53Keyless lock and ignition system (onlyPCC1)GeneralThe keyless drive function in the PCC allowsthe car to be unlocked, driven and locked with-out the need for a key. You simply have to havethe PCC with you. The system makes it easierand more convenient to open the car, e.g.when your hands are full.Both of the car's PCCs incorporate the Keylessfunction. Additional PCCs can be ordered, seepage 44.PCC rangeIn order to open a door or the tailgate, a PCCmust be no more than approx. 1.5 metres fromthe car door handle or tailgate. This means thatthe person who wishes to lock or unlock a doormust have the PCC with him or her. It is notpossible to lock or unlock a door if the PCC ison the opposite side of the car.The red rings in the preceding illustration indi-cate the range covered by the system's anten-nas.If all PCCs are removed from the car when theengine is running or key position I or II is active(see page 78) and if all doors are closed, thena warning message is shown in the informationdisplay and an audible reminder signal soundsat the same time.The warning message clears and the audioreminder signal stops when the PCC is broughtback to the car after:•a door has been opened and closed•the PCC is inserted into the ignition switch•the OK button has been pressed.Handling the PCC safelyIf a PCC with keyless drive function is left in thecar, it is deactivated temporarily when the caris locked. This prevents unauthorised entry.However, if someone breaks into the car,opens the door and finds the PCC, it can bereactivated. It is therefore important to handleall PCCs with great care.IMPORTANTNever leave a PCC behind in the car.Interference to PCC functionElectromagnetic fields and screening can inter-fere with the keyless drive system.NOTEDo not place/store the PCC near a mobilephone or metal object - no closer than 10-15cm.If interference is experienced nonetheless, usethe PCC and the key blade as a remote controlkey, see page 45.1Personal Car Communicator, see page 47.
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