V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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01 SafetyInflatable Curtain (IC) 0126PropertiesThe inflatable curtain IC (Inflatable Curtain) is apart of SIPS and the airbags. It is fitted in theheadlining along both sides of the roof andprotects the car's occupants sitting in the outerseats. A sufficiently violent collision trips thesensors and the inflatable curtain is inflated.The inflatable curtain helps to prevent thedriver and passengers from striking their headson the inside of the car during a collision.WARNINGNever hang or attach heavy items onto thehandles in the roof. The hook is onlydesigned for light clothing (not for solidobjects such as umbrellas for example).Do not screw or install anything onto thecar's headlining, door pillars or side panels.This could compromise the intended pro-tection. Volvo recommends that you onlyever use Volvo genuine parts that areapproved for placement in these areas.WARNINGDo not load the car higher than 50 mm underthe top edge of the door windows. Other-wise, the intended protection of the inflat-able curtain, which is concealed in the head-lining, may be compromised.WARNINGThe inflatable curtain is a supplement to theseatbelts.Always use a seatbelt.
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