V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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02 Locks and alarmRemote control key/key blade 0246* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Remote control key with PCC* - Personal CarCommunicator. InformationFunction buttons Locking – Locks the doors and tailgatewhile the alarm is activated.Press and hold (at least 2 seconds) to close allthe windows and sunroof* simultaneously.WARNINGIf the sunroof and windows are closed usingthe remote control key, check that no one isin danger of getting hands caught. Unlocking – Unlocks the doors and tail-gate while the alarm is deactivated.Press and hold (at least 4 seconds) to open allwindows simultaneously.The function can be changed from unlockingall doors simultaneously, to unlocking the driv-er's door only with one press of the button and,after a further press of the button - within 10seconds - unlocking the remaining doors.The function can be changed in the menu sys-tem MY CAR under SettingsCar settingsLock settings Doors unlock with boththe alternatives All doors and Driver door,then all. For a description of the menu system,see page 202. Approach light duration – Used to switchon the car's lighting at a distance. For moreinformation, see page 94. Tailgate - Unlocks and disarms the alarmfor the tailgate only. For more information, seepage 60. Panic function – Used to attract attentionin an emergency.Press and hold the button for at least 3 sec-onds or press it twice within 3 seconds to acti-vate the direction indicators and the horn.The function can be turned off with the samebutton once it has been active for at least5 seconds. Otherwise the function switches offautomatically after 2 minutes and 45 seconds.RangeThe remote control key's functions have arange of about 20 m from the car.If the car does not verify a button being pressed- move closer and try again.NOTEThe remote control key functions can bedisrupted by surrounding radio waves,buildings, topographical conditions etc. Thecar can always be locked/unlocked usingthe key blade, see page 48.If the remote control key is removed from thecar when the engine is running or key positionI or II is active (see page 78) and if all doorsare closed, then a warning message is shownin the information display and an audiblereminder signal sounds at the same time.The warning message clears and the audioreminder signal stops when the remote controlkey is brought back to the car after:•The remote control key has been insertedin the ignition switch•Speed exceeds 30 km/h•the OK button has been pressed.
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