V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environmentLighting 0394* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Home safe light durationSome of the exterior lighting can be keptswitched on to work as home safe lighting afterthe car has been locked.1. Remove the remote control key from theignition switch.2. Move the left-hand stalk switch toward thesteering wheel to the end position andrelease it. The function can be activated inthe same way as with main beam flash, seepage 87.3. Get out of the car and lock the door.When the function is activated, dipped beam,parking lamps, door mirror lamps, numberplate lighting, interior roof lamps and courtesylighting are switched on.The length of time for which the home safelighting should be kept on can be set in themenu system MY CAR under SettingsCarsettingsLight settings Home safe lightduration. For a description of the menu sys-tem, see page 203.Approach light durationApproach lighting is switched on with theremote control key, see page 45, and is usedto switch on the car's lighting at a distance.When the function is activated with the remotecontrol, parking lamps, door mirror lamps,number plate lighting, interior roof lamps andcourtesy lighting are switched on.The length of time for which the approach light-ing should be kept on can be set in the menusystem MY CAR under SettingsCarsettingsLight settings Approach lightduration. For a description of the menu sys-tem, see page 203.Adjusting headlamp patternG021151Headlamp pattern, left-hand traffic.G021152Headlamp pattern, right-hand traffic.The headlamp pattern must be adjusted toavoid dazzling oncoming motorists and can beset for right or left-hand traffic. The correct pat-tern will also better illuminate the verge.Active Xenon headlamps*The car must be stationary with the engine run-ning when the headlamp pattern is shiftedbetween right and left-hand traffic.1.Access the menu system MY CAR underSettingsCar settings Lightsettings.2.Select between Temporary RH trafficand Temporary LH traffic .For a description of the menu system, seepage 203
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