V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
01 Safety Child safety0133Weight Front seat (with deactivated air-bag)Outer rear seat Centre rear seatGroup 0max 10 kgGroup 0+max 13 kgChild seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Child seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Child seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Group 19-18 kgVolvo rear-facing/turnable child seat(Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - rear-facing child seat, secured with thecar's seatbelt and straps.Type approval: E5 04192(L)Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat(Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - rear-facing child seat, secured with thecar's seatbelt and straps.Type approval: E5 04192(L)Group 19-18 kgChild seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Child seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Child seats which are universallyapproved.(U)Group 215-25 kgVolvo rear-facing/turnable child seat(Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - rear-facing child seat, secured with thecar's seatbelt and straps.Type approval: E5 04192(L)Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat(Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - rear-facing child seat, secured with thecar's seatbelt and straps.Type approval: E5 04192(L)
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