V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environmentCompass* 03106* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.OperationRearview mirror with compass.The upper right-hand corner of the rearviewmirror has an integrated display that shows thecompass direction in which the front of the caris pointing. Eight different directions are shownwith English abbreviations: N (north), NE (northeast), E (east), SE (south east), S (south), SW(south west), W (west) and NW (north west).The compass is activated automatically whenthe car is started or in key position II, seepage 78. To deactivate/activate the compass -press in the button on the underside of the mir-ror using a paper clip for example.CalibrationThe earth is divided into 15 magnetic zones.The compass is set for the geographic area towhich the car was delivered. The compassshould be calibrated if the car is moved acrossseveral magnetic zones. Proceed as follows:1. Stop the car in a large open area free fromsteel structures and high-voltage powerlines.2. Start the car.NOTEFor optimum calibration - switch off all elec-trical equipment (climate control system,wipers etc.) and make sure that all doors areclosed.3. Hold the button on the underside of therearview mirror depressedapprox. 6 seconds (using a paper clip forexample) until the character C is shown.G030295Magnetic zones.4. Hold the button on the underside of therearview mirror depressedapprox. 3 seconds. The number of the cur-rent magnetic zone is shown.5. Press the button repeatedly until therequired magnetic zone (1–15 ) is shown.See the map of magnetic zones for thecompass.6. Wait until the display resumes showing thecharacter C.7. Drive slowly in a circle at a speed of nomore than 10 km/h until a compass direc-tion is shown in the display, indicating thatcalibration is complete. Then drive a further2 circles to fine-tune calibration.8. Repeat the above procedure as necessary.
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