V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environment Starting the engine03115OperationRemote control buttons for remote start.LockingApproach lightingInformation3Remote starting the engineMaximum distance for enabling remote star-ting of the engine is approx. 30 metres in unob-structed space - in addition, the car must belocked.To remote start the engine:1. Briefly press on the remote control key'slock button (1).2. Follow this immediately afterwards with along press - at least 2 seconds - onbutton (2).If the conditions for ERS are fulfilled then thefollowing takes place:1. All direction indicators flash quickly severaltimes.2. The engine starts.3. All direction indicators illuminate with aconstant glow for 3 seconds to verify thatthe engine has started.NOTEAfter remote starting, the car continues tobe locked but with the alarm deactivated.With PCC4 keyThe light indication for Approachlighting5 flashes several times whenthe button is pressed and then goesto constant glow if all criteria for ERShave been fulfilled. However, this does notmean that ERS has started the engine.To check whether ERS has started the engine,the user can press the Information button (3) -if the engine has started, there is a light indi-cation on the button for Approach lighting (2).Active functionsThe following functions are activated with aremote started engine:•Ventilation system•Audio/video system.Deactivated functionsThe following functions are deactivated with aremote started engine:•headlamps•Position lamps•Number plate lighting•Windscreen wiper.the engine is switched offThe following steps switch off an ERS-startedengine:•The remote control key's lock button (1) isdepressed•The car is unlocked•A door is opened3Only on PCC key, see page 47.4Read about the PCC key on page 47.5Read about Approach lighting on page 46 and 94.
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