V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environmentStarting the engine – external battery 03120Jump startingIf the battery is flat then the car can be startedwith current from another battery.When jump starting the car, the following stepsare recommended to avoid short circuits orother damage:1. Insert the remote control key in key posi-tion 0, see page 78.2. Check that the donor battery has a voltageof 12 V.3. If the donor battery is installed in anothercar - switch off the donor car's engine andmake sure that the two cars do not toucheach other.4. Connect one of the red jump lead's clampsto the donor battery's positive terminal (1).IMPORTANTConnect the start cable carefully to avoidshort circuits with other components in theengine compartment.5. Open the clips on the front cover of thebattery in your car and remove the cover,see page 345.6. Connect the red jump lead's other clamponto the car's positive terminal (2).7. Connect one of the black jump lead'sclamps to the donor battery's negative ter-minal (3).8. Connect the other clamp to a groundingpoint, e.g. right-hand engine mounting atthe top, the outer screw head (4).9. Check that the jump lead clamps areaffixed securely so that there are no sparksduring the starting procedure.10. Start the engine of the "donor car" andallow it to run a few minutes at a speedslightly higher than idle approx. 1500 rpm.11. Start the engine in the car with the dis-charged battery.IMPORTANTDo not touch the crocodile clips during thestart procedure. There is a risk of sparksforming.12. Remove the jump leads in reverse order -first the black and then the red.> Make sure that none of the black jumplead's clamps comes into contact withthe battery's positive terminal or theclamp connected to the red jump lead!WARNING•The battery can generate oxyhydrogengas, which is highly explosive. A sparkcan be formed if a jump lead is con-nected incorrectly, and this can beenough for the battery to explode.•The battery contains sulphuric acid,which can cause serious burns.•If sulphuric acid comes into contactwith eyes, skin or clothing, flush withlarge quantities of water. If acidsplashes into the eyes - seek medicalattention immediately.For more information on the car's battery - seepage 344.
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