V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
03 Your driving environment Gearboxes03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.125Automatic gearbox Powershift*D: Automatic gear positions. +/–: Manual gearpositions.Powershift is a 6-stage automatic gearbox thathas double mechanical clutch discs in contrastto a conventional automatic gearbox. A con-ventional automatic gearbox has a hydraulictorque converter instead that transfers powerfrom engine to gearbox.Powershift transmission operates in the sameway and has similar controls and functions asthe Geartronic automatic transmission, descri-bed in the previous section.Powershift or Geartronic?In the event of uncertainty as to whether or notthe car is equipped with Powershift transmis-sion, this can be verified by checking the des-ignation on the transmission's label under thebonnet - see page 370. The designa-tion ”MPS6” means that it is Powershift – trans-mission otherwise it is Geartronic automatictransmission.HSAThe HSA (Hill Start Assist) function means thatthe pressure in the brake system remains forseveral seconds while the foot is moved fromthe brake pedal to the accelerator pedal beforesetting off or reversing uphill.The temporary braking effect releases afterseveral seconds or when the driver acceler-ates.To bear in mindThe transmission's double clutch has overloadprotection that is activated if it becomes toohot, e.g. if the car is held stationary with theaccelerator pedal on an uphill gradient for along time.Overheated transmission causes the car toshake and vibrate, and the warning symbol illu-minates and the information display shows amessage. The transmission can also overheatduring slow driving in queues (10 km/h orslower) on an uphill gradient, or with a trailerhitched. The transmission cools down whenthe car is stationary, with foot brake depressedand the engine running at idling speed.Overheating during slow driving in queues canbe avoided by driving in stages: Stop the carand wait with your foot on the brake pedal untilthere is a moderate distance to the trafficahead, drive forward a short distance, and thenwait another moment with your foot on thebrake pedal.IMPORTANTUse the foot brake to hold the car stationaryon an uphill gradient - do not hold the carwith the accelerator pedal. The gearboxcould then overheat.For important information regarding Powershifttransmission and towing - see page 304.Text message and actionIn some situations the display may show amessage at the same time as a symbol is illu-minated.
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