V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportRoad sign information - RSI* 04148* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General information on RSIExamples of readable speed signs1.The Road sign information function (RSI – RoadSign Information) helps the driver to rememberwhich road signs the car has passed throughinformation on - among other things - the cur-rent speed, the start/end of a motorway orroad, and when overtaking is prohibited.If a sign for both a motorway/road for motor-ised traffic and a sign showing the maximumpermitted speed are passed, RSI decides toshow the sign symbol for maximum permittedspeed.WARNINGRSI does not work in all situations but isdesigned merely as a supplementary aid.The driver always bears ultimate responsi-bility for ensuring that the vehicle is drivensafely and that applicable road traffic rulesand regulations are followed.OperationRecorded speed information.When RSI has recorded a road sign with animposed speed, the sign is displayed as a sym-bol on the instrument panel.Together with the symbol forthe current speed limit, a signshowing that overtaking isprohibited may also be dis-played where appropriate.Additional signsExamples of additional signs1.Sometimes different speed limits are signpos-ted for the same road - an additional sign thenindicates the circumstances under which thedifferent speeds apply. The road section maybe particularly susceptible to accidents in rainand/or fog, for example.An additional sign relating to rain is displayedonly if the windscreen wipers are in use.1Road signs which are displayed in the instrument panel are dependent on the market - the illustration only shows a few examples .
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