V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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04 Driver supportSpeed limiter* 04150* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General information on the speedlimiterA speed limiter (Speed Limiter) can be regar-ded as a reverse cruise control - the driver reg-ulates the speed using the accelerator pedalbut is prevented from accidentally exceeding apre-selected/set speed by the speed limiter.OperationSteering wheel keypad and display.Speed limiter - On/Off.Standby mode ceases and stored speedresumes - each extra press gives +1 km/h.Standby mode.Activate and adjust the maximum speed(each press gives +/-5 km/h).Stored maximum speed (in brackets =Standby mode).Switch on and activateWhen the speed limiter isactive the display will show itssymbol in combination withthe set maximum speed.Selection and storage of thehighest possible speed in thememory can be made both during a journeyand while stationary.While driving1.Press the steering wheel button toswitch on the speed limiter.> The symbol for the speed limiter is illu-minated on the instrument panel dis-play.2. When the car is moving at the desired high-est possible speed: Press one of the steer-ing wheel buttons or until the instru-ment panel display shows the desiredmaximum speed.> The speed limiter is then active and thedisplay (5) shows the maximum speedselected and the maximum speedstored in the memory.When stationary1.Press the steering wheel button toswitch on the speed limiter.2.Scroll with the button until the instru-ment panel display shows the desiredmaximum speed.> The speed limiter is then active and thedisplay (5) shows the maximum speedselected and the maximum speedstored in the memory.Changing the speedTo change the stored speed:•Adjust with short presses on or -every press gives +/- 5 km/h. The lastpresses made are stored in the memory.To adjust +/- 1 km/h:•Hold the button depressed and releasewhen the instrument panel's display showsa point (5) at the desired maximum speed.Temporary deactivation - standby modeTo temporarily deactivate the speed limiter andset it in standby mode:–Press .> The display shows the stored maximumspeed in brackets (5) and the driver can
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