V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportAdaptive cruise control* 04154* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General information on ACCThe adaptive cruise control (ACC – AdaptiveCruise Control) helps the driver maintain a safedistance from the vehicle ahead. An adaptivecruise control provides a more relaxing drivingexperience on long journeys on motorwaysand long straight main roads in smooth trafficflows.The driver sets the desired speed and timeinterval to the car in front. When the radardetector detects a slower vehicle in front of thecar, the speed is automatically adapted to that.When the road is clear again the car returns tothe selected speed.If the adaptive cruise control is switched off orset to the standby mode and the car comes tooclose to a vehicle in front, then the driver iswarned by Distance Warning (see page 165)about the short distance.WARNINGThe driver must always be observant withregard to the traffic conditions and intervenewhen the adaptive cruise control is notmaintaining a suitable speed or suitable dis-tance.The adaptive cruise control cannot handleall traffic, weather and road conditions.Read the whole of this section for informa-tion on the limitations of the adaptive cruisecontrol. The driver must be familiar with thisinformation before using the adaptive cruisecontrol.The driver always bears responsibility formaintaining the correct distance and speed,even when the adaptive cruise control isbeing used.IMPORTANTMaintenance of adaptive cruise controlcomponents must only be performed at aworkshop - an authorised Volvo workshopis recommended.Automatic gearboxCars with automatic gearbox have enhancedfunctionality with the adaptive cruise control'sQueue Assistant, see page 159.FunctionFunction overview1.Warning lamp - braking by driver requiredSteering wheel keypadRadar sensorAdaptive cruise control consists of a cruisecontrol system and a coordinated spacing sys-tem.1NOTE: The illustration is schematic - details may differ depending on car model.
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