V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportAdaptive cruise control* 04160* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.WARNINGWhen the cruise control is following anothervehicle at speeds in excess of 30 km/h andthe target is changed from a moving vehicleto a stationary vehicle, the cruise control willignore the stationary vehicle and insteadselect the stored speed.•The driver must intervene him/herselfand brake.Automatic standby mode with change oftargetCruise control is disengaged and set instandby mode:•when the speed is below 5 km/h and cruisecontrol is not sure whether the targetobject is a stationary vehicle or some otherobject, e.g. a speed bump.•when the speed is below 5 km/h and thevehicle in front turns off so the cruise con-trol no longer has a vehicle to follow.Termination of automatic braking at astandstillIn certain situations Queue Assist automati-cally interrupts braking when stationary. Thismeans that the brakes are released and the carmay start to roll - the driver must thereforeintervene and brake the car himself/herself inorder to maintain its position.Queue Assist releases the foot brake and setscruise control in standby mode in the followingsituations:•the driver puts his/her foot on the brakepedal•the parking brake is applied•the gear selector is moved to P, N or Rposition•the driver sets the cruise control in standbymode.Automatic activation parking brakeIn some situations Queue Assist applies theparking brake in order to keep the car station-ary.This takes place if:•the driver opens the door or takes off his/her seatbelt•DSTC is changed from Normal to Sportmode•Queue Assist has held the car stationaryfor more than 4 minutes•the engine is switched off•the brakes have overheated.The radar sensor and its limitationsThe radar sensor is used - apart from by Adap-tive cruise control - by the following functionsas well:•Collision Warning with Auto Brake, seepage 173•Distance Warning, see page 165.The function of the radar sensor is to detectcars or larger vehicles in the same direction, inthe same lane.Modification of the radar sensor could result init being illegal to use.
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