V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
04 Driver supportDistance Warning* 04166* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Different time intervals to thevehicle in front can beselected and shown in thedisplay as 1-5 horizontal lines- the more lines the longer thetime interval. One line corre-sponds toapproximately 1 second to the vehicle in front,5 lines approximately 3 seconds.The number of lines for theselected time interval isshown during the setting itselfand for several seconds after-wards. Then a smaller scaleversion of the symbol isshown to the right of the dis-play. The same symbol is also shown whenadaptive cruise control is activated.NOTEThe higher the speed, the longer the calcu-lated distance in metres for a specific timeinterval.The set time interval is also used by theadaptive cruise control function, seepage 156.Only use the time interval that is allowed inaccordance with local traffic regulations.LimitationsThe function uses the same radar sensor asadaptive cruise control and the collision warn-ing system. For more information on the radarsensor and its limitations, see page 160.NOTEStrong sunlight, reflections or strong varia-tions in light intensity, as well as wearingsunglasses, could mean that the warninglight in the windscreen cannot be seen.Poor weather or winding roads could affectthe radar sensor's capacity to detect vehi-cles in front.The size of other vehicles could also affectdetection capacity, e.g. motorcycles. Thiscould mean that the warning lamp illumi-nates at a shorter distance than the settingor that the warning is temporarily absent.Extremely high speeds can also cause thelamp to illuminate at a shorter distance thanthat set due to limitations in sensor range.
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