V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian Protection* 04176* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Activating/deactivating warning signalsThe warning lamp (no. [1] in the illustration onpage 173) is activated automatically when theengine is started if Collision Warning is ena-bled.The warning sound can be activated/deacti-vated separately:•Select On or Off in the menu system MYCAR under SettingsCar settingsDriver support systems CollisionWarningWarning sound.Set warning distanceThe warning distance regulates the distance atwhich the visual and acoustic warnings aredeployed.•Select one of the options from Long ,Normal or Short in the menu system MYCAR under SettingsCar settingsDriver support systems CollisionWarningWarning distance .The warning distance determines the system'ssensitivity. Warning distance Long provides anearlier warning. First test with Long and if thissetting produces too many warnings, whichcould be perceived as irritating in certain sit-uations, then change to warning distanceNormal .Only use warning distance Short in excep-tional cases, e.g. for dynamic driving.NOTEWhen the adaptive cruise control is in usethe warning lamp and warning sound will beused by the cruise control even if the colli-sion warning system is switched off.The collision warning system warns thedriver in the event of a risk of a collision, butthe function cannot shorten driver reactiontime.In order for the collision warning system tobe effective, always drive with the DistanceAlert set at time interval 4 – 5. seepage 165.NOTEEven if the warning distance has been set toLong warnings could be perceived as beinglate in certain situations, e.g. when there arelarge differences in speed or if vehicles infront brake heavily.WARNINGNo automatic system can guarantee100 % correct function in all situations.Therefore, never test the Auto Brake systemby driving at people or vehicles - this maycause severe damage and injury and risklives.Checking settingsThe settings required can be controlled on thecentre console display screen. Search with themenu system MY CAR under SettingsCarsettingsDriver support systemsCollision Warning , see page 202.MaintenanceCamera and radar sensor3.3NOTE: The illustration is schematic - details may vary depending on car model.
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