V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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01 SafetySeatbelts 0118Seatbelt reminderG017726Unbelted occupants will be reminded to fastentheir seatbelts by means of an audio and visualreminder. The audio reminder is speeddependent, and in some cases time depend-ent. The visual reminder is located in the roofconsole and the combined instrument panel.Child seats are not covered by the seatbeltreminder system.Rear seatThe seatbelt reminder in the rear seat has twosubfunctions:•Provides information on which seatbeltsare being used in the rear seat. A messageappears in the information display whenthe seatbelts are in use, or if one of the reardoors has been opened. The message iscleared automatically after driving forapproximately 30 seconds or after press-ing the indicator stalk's OK button.•Provides a warning if one of the rear seat-belts is unfastened during travel. Thiswarning takes the form of a message onthe information display along with theaudio/visual signal. The warning stopswhen the seatbelt is re-fastened, or it canalso be acknowledged manually by press-ing the OK button.The message on the information display show-ing which seatbelts are in use is always avail-able. Press the OK button to see stored mes-sages.Certain marketsAn acoustic signal and indicator lamp remindthe driver and front seat passenger to use aseatbelt if either of them is not wearing one. Atlow speed, the audio reminder will sound forthe first 6 seconds.Seatbelt tensionerAll the seatbelts are equipped with belt ten-sioners. A mechanism in the seatbelt tensionertightens the seatbelt in the event of a suffi-ciently violent collision. The seatbelt then pro-vides more effective restraint for the occu-pants.WARNINGNever insert the tongue of the passenger'sseatbelt into the buckle on the driver's side.Always insert the tongue of the seatbelt intothe buckle on the correct side. Do not makeany damages on seatbelts nor insert anyforeign objects into a buckle. The seatbeltsand buckles would then possibly not func-tion as intended in the event of a collision.There is a risk of serous injury.
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