V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
05 Comfort and driving pleasure Menus and messages05201NOTEIf a warning message appears while you areusing the trip computer, the message mustbe read (press OK) before the previousactivity can be resumed.Message SpecificationStop safelyAStop and switch off theengine. Serious risk ofdamage - consult aworkshopB.Stop engineAStop and switch off theengine. Serious risk ofdamage - consult aworkshopB.Service urgentAContact a workshopB tocheck the car immedi-ately.ServicerequiredAContact a workshopB tocheck the car as soonas possible.See manualARead the owner's man-ual.Book time formaintenanceTime to book regularservice - contact aworkshopB.Message SpecificationTime for regularmaintenanceTime for regular service- contact a workshopB.The timing is deter-mined by the number ofkilometres driven, num-ber of months since thelast service, engine run-ning time and oil grade.MaintenanceoverdueIf the service intervalsare not followed thenthe warranty does notcover any damagedparts - contact a work-shopB.Transmissionoil Change nee-dedContact a workshopB tocheck the car as soonas possible.TransmissionperformancelowThe gearbox cannothandle full capacity.Drive carefully until themessage clearsC.If shown repeatedly -contact a workshopB.Message SpecificationTransmissionhot ReducespeedDrive more smoothly orstop the car in a safemanner. Disengage thegear and run the engineat idling speed until themessage clearsC.Transmissionhot Stop safelyCritical fault. Stop thecar immediately in asafe manner and con-tact a workshopB.TemporarilyOFFAA function has beentemporarily switchedoff and is reset auto-matically while drivingor after starting again.Low batteryPower savemodeThe audio system isswitched off to saveenergy. Charge the bat-tery.APart of message, shown together with information on wherethe problem has arisen.BAn authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.CFor more messages concerning automatic transmission, seepage 125.
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