V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment systemGeneral information on infotainment 06236* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction. EXIT - short press leads upwards in themenu system, interrupts current function, inter-rupts/rejects phone calls or erases enteredcharacters. Long press leads to normal view,or if you are in normal view to the highest menulevel, see Main source view page 236. INFO - If more information than can beshown on the screen is available, press theINFO button to see the remaining information. Preset buttons, input of numbers and let-ters. FAV – shortcut to a favourite setting. Thebutton can be programmed for a commonlyused function in AM, FM, etc. For more infor-mation, see page 239.Steering wheel keypadThe steering wheel keypad can be used as analternative to the buttons in the centre console.The keypad is available in three different ver-sions depending on the options and the equip-ment level of the car.Keypad with thumbwheel*Short presses scroll between disc tracksor preset radio stations4. A long pressfast-winds disc tracks or searches for thenext available radio station.Volume - press to raise or lower the audiovolume.EXIT - short press leads upwards in themenu system, interrupts current function,interrupts/rejects phone calls or erasesentered characters. Long press leads tonormal view, or if you are in normal view tothe highest menu level, see Main sourceview page 236.OK/MENU/TUNE - Press to acceptoptions in menus. Leads to the menu viewin the selected source (e.g. RADIO orMEDIA). Arrow to the right of the screen isshown when there are underlying menus.Turn to scroll among disc tracks/folders,radio and TV* stations, phone contacts* ornavigate through options on the TV screen.Without voice recognition5 - press toswitch off the radio/media audio (MUTE) orrestore the audio if it has been switched off.With voice recognition6 - Voice recogni-tion (for Bluetoothµ-connected mobilephone and navigation system*).Main source viewA long press on EXIT on the steering wheelkeypad* leads to normal view. If you are in nor-mal view and give a long press on EXIT then itis possible to access the same main sourcebuttons that are in the centre console:NAV - Volvo's navigation system(RTI)*, is described in a separateowner's manual.RADIO - AM, FM, DAB*4Does not apply to DAB.5Applies to cars without navigation.6Only cars with navigation.
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