V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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06 Infotainment system Media player06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.255Changing chapter or titleTurn TUNE to access the list of chapters andnavigate through them (if the film is beingplayed back then it is paused). Press OK/MENU to select the chapter, this also leadsback to the original position (if the film wasbeing played back then it is restarted). PressEXIT to access the title list.Titles are selected in the title list by turningTUNE and the selection is confirmed with OK/MENU, this also leads back to the chapter list.Press OK/MENU to activate the selection andreturn to the start position. Use EXIT to cancelthe selection and this leads back to the originalposition (without any selection being made).The chapter can also be changed by pressingon / on the centre console or thesteering wheel keypad*.Advanced settings7AngleIf the DVD video disc supports it, the functioncan be used to choose from which cameraposition a particular scene should be shown.Go in disc mode to Disc menuAdvancedsettingsAngle.DivXµ Video On DemandThe media player can be registered in order toplay DivX VOD type files from burned discs orUSB. The code for registration can be found inthe menu system MY CAR SettingsInformation DivX® VOD code. For generalinformation on menus, see under MY CAR, seepage 202.For more information visit www.divx.com/vod.Picture settings7You can adjust the settings (when the car isstationary) for brightness and contrast.1.Press OK/MENU and select Imagesettings, confirm with OK/MENU.2.Turn TUNE to the adjustment option andconfirm with OK/MENU.3.Adjust the setting by turning TUNE andconfirm with OK/MENU.To return to the settings list, press the OK/MENU or EXIT.The picture settings can be reset to factorysettings with the Reset option.Compatible file formatsThe media player can play back a variety of filetypes and is compatible with the formats in thefollowing table.NOTEDual format, double-sided discs (DVD Plus,CD-DVD format) are thicker than regular CDdiscs and therefore playback cannot beguaranteed and malfunction may arise.If a CD contains a mixture of MP3 and CDDAtracks, all MP3s will be ignored.Audio formatACD audio, mp3,wmaAudio formatBCD audio, mp3,wma, aac, m4aVideo formatCCD video,DVD video, divx, avi,asfAApplies to Performance.BDoes not apply to Performance.COnly applies to High Performance Multimedia and PremiumSound Multimedia.7Applies to High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.
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