V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment system Bluetoothµ handsfree*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.263Accept incoming calls, confirm your selec-tion or go to the Phone menu by pressingOK/MENU.EXIT - Cancels/rejects phone calls, deletesinput characters, leads up in the menu sys-tem and cancels the current function.NOTEIf the car is equipped with a steering wheelkeypad* and/or remote control* then inmany cases these can be used instead ofthe buttons in the centre console. For adescription of the steering wheel keypad,see page 236. For a description of theremote control, see page 279.RememberActivateA short press on TEL activates/searches lastconnected phone. If a phone is already con-nected, and TEL is pressed, a shortcut menuis shown with commonly used menu optionsfor the phone. The symbol indicates thata phone is connected.Connect an external Bluetoothµ deviceA maximum of ten external devices can be reg-istered. Registration is performed once perdevice. After registration the device no longerneeds to be activated as visible/searchable.It is possible to have two Bluetoothµ devicesconnected simultaneously. One phone andone media device, which it is possible to switchbetween, see page 264 or see page 260. It isalso possible to use the phone while streamingaudio files from a connected device.Connecting an external device takes place indifferent ways depending on whether or not thedevice has been connected previously.To connect a device for the first time, follow theconnection alternatives below.There are two possible ways of connectingdevices, either search for the external devicefrom the car, or search for the car from theexternal device. If one option does not workthen try with the other.Alternative 1 - search for the external devicevia the car's menu system1. Make the external device searchable/visi-ble via Bluetoothµ, see the external devi-ce's manual or www.volvocars.com.2.Press TEL.> The car searches for previously con-nected devices.3.Activate Bluetoothµ in the car. Press OK/MENU, select Add phone or Changephone if another phone is already con-nected.If one or more devices have already beenconnected then these are also shown.Select the device you want to connect andpress OK/MENU.> The menu option is shown on the TVscreen.4. Check that the external device'sBluetoothµ function is switched on andpress OK/MENU.> The car searches for external devices inthe vicinity. The search takes approxi-mately 30 seconds. The external devi-ces detected are specified with theirrespective Bluetoothµ name in the TVscreen. The handsfree function'sBluetoothµ name is shown in the exter-nal device as My Volvo Car .5.Turn TUNE to select one of the externaldevices shown on the car's TV screen andconfirm with OK/MENU.6. Enter the series of numbers (PIN code) thatis shown on the car's TV screen via themobile phone's keypad and press themobile phone's button to confirm theselection.The external device is now connected to thecar and can be controlled from the car.
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