V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
06 Infotainment systemBluetoothµ handsfree* 06264* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.If connecting the phone is not successful:Press EXIT and connect in accordance withAlternative 2.If connecting the media device is not success-ful: Connect in accordance with Alternative 2.Alternative 2 - search for the car via the exter-nal device1.Press TEL.If an external device is already connected,disconnect it.> The car searches for previously con-nected devices.2. Make the car searchable/visible viaBluetoothµ. Press OK/MENU, selectPhone settingsDiscoverable.3. Search for the car with the external devi-ce's Bluetoothµ function, see the manualfor the external device.4.Select My Volvo Car in the list of devicesdetected in your external device.5. Enter a PIN code of your choice in theexternal device via the external device'skeypad when prompted for a PIN. Thenenter the same PIN code via the car's key-pad.6.Choose to connect to My Volvo Car fromthe external device.When the connection is established, the exter-nal device's Bluetoothµ name is shown in thecar's TV screen. Now the external device canbe controlled from the car.Automatic connectionWhen the handsfree function is active and thelast mobile phone connected is in range it isconnected automatically. If the last connectedmobile phone is not available then the systemwill try to connect a mobile phone that waspaired earlier. When the audio systemsearches for the last phone connected its nameis shown in the TV screen.Manual connectionIf you want to change the connected mobilephone, go in phone mode to Phone menuChange phone.Change to another external deviceIt is possible to change a connected devicewith another device if there are several devicesin the car. However, the device must first havebeen registered to the car, see Connect anexternal Bluetooth® device. To change toanother device:1. Check that the external device is searcha-ble/visible via Bluetoothµ, see the manualfor the external device.2.Press TEL and then select Changephone.> The car searches for previously con-nected devices. The external devicesdetected are specified with their respec-tive Bluetoothµ name in the TV screen.3. Select the device to be connected by turn-ing TUNE and confirm with OK/MENU.> Connection of the external device takesplace.To call1.Make sure that the symbol appearsat the top of the TV screen and that thehandsfree function is in phone mode.2. Dial either the desired number or speeddial number, see page 269. Or in normalview turn TUNE to the right to access thephone book, and to the left for the call reg-ister for all calls. For information on thephone book, see page 266.3.Press OK/MENU.The call is interrupted with EXIT.Disconnecting the mobile phoneAutomatic disconnection takes place if themobile phone moves out of the audio system'srange. The connection to the mobile phone canbe manually broken in phone mode under
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