V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment systemBluetoothµ handsfree* 06266* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.there is no number stored then this menu canbe reached with one long press on 1.Audio settingsPhone call volumeThe phone call volume can only be changedduring a call. Use the steering wheel keypad*or turn the VOL control.Audio system volumeProviding there is no ongoing call taking place,the audio system volume is controlled as usualby turning VOL.If an audio source is active during an incomingcall then it can be muted automatically. Acti-vate/deactivate in phone mode under PhonemenuPhone settings Sounds andvolumeMute radio/media .Ring volumeIn phone mode go to Phone menu PhonesettingsSounds and volume Ringvolume and adjust by turning VOL. Press OK/MENU to hear the audio volume. Press EXITto save.Ring signalsThe handsfree function has integrated ring sig-nals that can be selected in phone mode underPhone menuPhone settings Soundsand volumeRing signals Ring signal 1etc.NOTEFor some mobile phones, the ringtone onthe phone connected will not be switchedoff when one of the inbuilt signals for thehandsfree system is used.In order to select the connected phone's ringsignal3, go in phone mode to Phone menuPhone settings Sounds and volumeRing signals Mobile phone ring signal .Phone bookThere are two phone books. These are mergedinto one in the car and are displayed as a singlephone book in the car.•The car downloads the mobile phone'sphone book and only displays this phonebook when the mobile phone from whichthis phone book was downloaded is con-nected.•The car also has a built-in phone book. Thiscontains all the contacts stored in the carirrespective of which phone was con-nected when saving them. These contactsare visible for all users, regardless of themobile phone that is connected to the car.If a contact is saved in the car then thesymbol is shown in front of the con-tact in the phone book.NOTEChanges made from the car to a record inthe mobile phone's telephone book willresult in a new record in the car's telephonebook, i.e. changes will not be saved to thephone. From the car, this will now look likeyou have double records, with differenticons. Note also that when a shortcut num-ber is saved or a change to a contact ismade, this will result in a new record in thecar's phone book.All use of the phone book requires that the symbol appears at the top of the TVscreen and that the handsfree function is inphone mode.3Not supported by all mobile phones.
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