V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
06 Infotainment system TV*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.275GeneralNOTEThis system only supports TV transmissionsin countries which transmit signals inmpeg-2 format and follow the DVB-T stand-ard. The system does not support TV trans-missions in mpeg-4 format or analoguetransmissions.NOTEThe TV picture is only shown when the caris stationary. When the car is moving at aspeed over about 6 km/h the picture disap-pears, No visual media available whiledriving appears on the display screen,although the audio is heard during this time.The picture reappears when the car hasstopped.Cars with RSE do not shut off the rearscreens.NOTEThe reception is dependent both on howgood the signal strength and signal qualityare. The transmission may be disturbed byvarious factors such as tall buildings or theTV transmitter being far away. Coveragelevel can also vary depending on where inthe country you are located.IMPORTANTA TV licence is required for this product insome countries.MenusThe menus in MEDIA are controlled from thecentre console and the steering wheel key-pad*. For general information on menu naviga-tion, see page 238 and menu overview, seepage 241.OverviewCentre console control panel.MEDIA button. Last active source (e.g.iPodµ or TV) is activated. If a source is acti-vated and you press MEDIA then a short-cut menu is shown with commonly usedmenu options.Station presets, numeric input.Navigate in channel lists or menus by turn-ing TUNE.Confirm your selection or go to the menuby pressing OK/MENU.EXIT - leads up in the menu system, stopsthe function in progress.The next available channel is shown bypressing / .NOTEIf the car is equipped with a steering wheelkeypad* and/or remote control* then inmany cases these can be used instead ofthe buttons in the centre console. For adescription of the steering wheel keypad,see page 236. For a description of theremote control, see page 279.
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