V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment system TV*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.277sible to move a channel up to a place in thepreset list.Save the available TV channels aspresetsIf the car has been moved within the country,for example, from one city to another, it is notcertain that the presets are available at the newlocation as the frequency range may havechanged. In which case, carry out another scanand save a new preset list.1.Press TV mode on OK/MENU.2.Turn TUNE to TV menu and press OK/MENU.3.Turn TUNE to Autostore and press OK/MENU.> An automatic scan for available TVchannels starts, this scan takes a littlewhile. During this time the figure foreach channel found and added as a pre-set is shown. When the scan is com-plete a message is shown and the pic-ture is shown. A preset list (max. 30 pre-sets) has now been created and is avail-able. To change channel, seepage 276.Scanning the TV channelsThis function automatically scans through thefrequency range for all channels available in thearea where you are. When a channel is found,it is shown for approx. 10 seconds beforescanning is resumed. Scanning is stopped withEXIT, then the channel that you just watchedcontinues to be shown. Scanning does notaffect the preset list.Activate scanning in TV mode under TV menuScan.TeletextIt is possible to read Teletext. Follow thesesteps:1.Press the button on the remote con-trol.2. Enter the page number (3 digits) with thenumber keys (0-9) to select page.> The page is shown automatically.Enter new page number, or press the remotecontrol buttons / to go to the next page.Return to TV screen with EXIT or by pressingthe button on the remote control.It is also possible to control the teletext with thecoloured buttons on the remote control.Information about the currentprogrammePress the INFO button in order to display theinformation about the current programme, thenext programme and its start time. If theINFO button is pressed once more then addi-tional information on the current programmecan sometimes be displayed, such as start andend times and a brief description of the currentprogramme. For more information on theINFO button, see page 235.To return to the TV picture, wait several sec-onds or press EXIT.Picture settingsThe settings for brightness and contrast can beadjusted. For more information, see page 255.The reception is lostIf the reception for the TV channel that is beingshown disappears then the picture will freeze.Shortly after this a message appears informingthat the reception has been lost for the currentTV channel, and a new search for the channelcontinues. When the reception returns the dis-play of the TV channel starts immediately. It ispossible to change channel at any time whenthe message is shown.If the message Reception lost, searching isshown then this is because the system has
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