V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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07 During your journey Recommendations during driving07285•If the text message High engine tempStop engine or Coolant level low, Stopengine is shown then the engine must beswitched off after stopping the car.•In the event of overheating in the gearboxa built-in protection function is activatedwhich, amongst other things, illuminatesthe instrument panel's warning symbol andthere is a text message displayed thereTransmission hot Reduce speed orTransmission hot Stop safely - followthe recommendation given and lower thespeed and stop the car in a safe way andallow the engine to run at idling speed fora few minutes to allow the gearbox to cooldown.•If the car overheats, the air conditioningmay be switched off temporarily.•Do not turn the engine off immediately youstop after a hard drive.NOTEIt is normal for the engine's cooling fan tooperate for a while after the engine has beenswitched off.Open tailgateWARNINGDo not drive with the tailgate open. Toxicexhaust fumes could be drawn into the carthrough the cargo area.Do not overload the batteryThe electrical functions in the car load the bat-tery to varying degrees. Avoid using the keyposition II when the engine is switched off.Instead use the I mode - which uses lesspower.Also, be aware of different accessories thatload the electrical system. Do not use functionswhich use a lot of power when the engine isswitched off. Examples of such functions are:•ventilation fan•headlamps•windscreen wiper•audio system (high volume).If the battery voltage is low the information dis-play shows the text Low battery Power savemode. The energy-saving function then shutsdown certain functions or reduces certainfunctions such as the ventilation fan and/oraudio system.–In which case, charge the battery by star-ting the engine and then running it for atleast 15 minutes - battery charging is moreeffective during driving than running theengine at idling speed while stationary.Before a long journey•Check that the engine is working normallyand that fuel consumption is normal.•Make sure that there are no leaks (fuel, oilor other fluid).•Check all bulbs and tyre tread depths.•Carrying a warning triangle is a legalrequirement in certain countries.Winter drivingCheck the following in particular before thecold season:•The engine coolant must contain at least50% glycol. This mixture protects theengine against frost erosion down toapproximately –35 °C. To achieve optimumantifreeze protection, different types of gly-col must not be mixed.•The fuel tank must be kept filled to preventcondensation.•Engine oil viscosity is important. Oils withlower viscosity (thinner oils) facilitate star-ting in cold weather and also reduce fuelconsumption while the engine is cold. Formore information on suitable oils, seepage 379.
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