V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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07 During your journeyDriving with a trailer 07298* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.GeneralPayload depends on the car's kerb weight. Thetotal of the weight of the passengers and allaccessories, e.g. towbar, reduces the car'spayload by a corresponding weight. For moredetailed information on weights, seepage 373.If the towing bracket is mounted by Volvo, thenthe car is delivered with the necessary equip-ment for driving with a trailer.•The car's towing bracket must be of anapproved type.•If the towbar is retrofitted, check with yourVolvo dealer that the car is fully equippedfor driving with a trailer.•Distribute the load on the trailer so that theweight on the towing bracket complieswith the specified maximum towball load.•Increase the tyre pressure to the recom-mended pressure for a full load. For tyrepressure label location, see page 317.•The engine is loaded more heavily thanusual when driving with a trailer.•Do not tow a heavy trailer when the car isbrand new. Wait until it has been driven atleast 1000 km.•The brakes are loaded much more thanusual on long and steep downhill slopes.Downshift to a lower gear and adjust yourspeed.•For safety reasons, the maximum permit-ted speed for the car when coupled with atrailer should not be exceeded. Follow theregulations in force for the permittedspeeds and weights.•Maintain a low speed when driving with atrailer up long, steep ascents.•Avoid driving with a trailer on inclines ofmore than 12%.Trailer cableAn adapter is required if the car's towingbracket has 13 pin electrics and the trailer has7 pin electrics. Use an adapter cable approvedby Volvo. Make sure the cable does not dragon the ground.Direction indicators and brake lights onthe trailerIf any of the trailer's lamps for direction indica-tors are broken, then the combined instrumentpanel's symbol for direction indicators flashesfaster than normal and the display shows thetext Bulb fail - Ind. signal trailer .If any of the trailer's lamps for the brake lightare broken then the Bulb fail - Stop lamptrailer text is shown.Level control*The rear shock absorbers maintain a constantheight irrespective of the car's load (up to themaximum permissible weight). When the car isstationary the rear of the car lowers slightly,which is normal.Trailer weightsFor information on Volvo's permitted trailerweights, see page 374.NOTEThe stated maximum permitted trailerweights are those permitted by Volvo.National vehicle regulations can further limittrailer weights and speeds. Towbars can becertified for higher towing weights than thecar can actually tow.WARNINGFollow the stated recommendations fortrailer weights. Otherwise, the car and trailermay be difficult to control in the event ofsudden movement and braking.Manual gearboxOverheatingWhen driving with a trailer in hilly terrain in a hotclimate there may be a risk of overheating.•Do not run the engine at higher revolutionsthan 4500 rpm (diesel engines: 3500 rpm)- otherwise the oil temperature maybecome too high.
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