V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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08 Wheels and tyres Tyre pressure monitoring (TPMS)*08* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.319GeneralTPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System)*warns the driver when the pressure is too lowin one or more of the car's tyres. It uses sensorslocated inside the air valve in each wheel.When the car is driven at about 40 km/h thesystem detects the tyre pressure. If the pres-sure is too low then a warning lamp on theinstrument panel illuminates and a message isshown on the display.Only factory fitted wheels are equipped withTPMS sensors in the valves.If wheels without TPMS sensors are used thenTyre press. syst Service required will beshown every time the car is driven faster than40 km/h for more than 10 minutes.Always check the system after changing awheel in order to ensure that replacementwheels work with the system.For information on correct tyre pressures, seepage 388.The system does not replace normal tyre main-tenance.IMPORTANTIf a fault should arise in the tyre pressuresystem a warning lamp on the instru-ment panel will illuminate and a messagewill be shown. This can be for various rea-sons, e.g. fitting a wheel not equipped witha sensor adapted for Volvo's tyre pressuremonitoring system.Adjusting tyre pressure monitoringTyre pressure monitoring can be adjusted inorder to follow Volvo's tyre pressure recom-mendations, when driving with a heavy load forexample.NOTEThe engine must not be running when thetyres are calibrated.The settings are made with the control in thecentre console, see page 203.1. Inflate the tyres to the required pressureand select key position I or II.2.Select the menu system MY CAR to openthe menus to SettingsTyre pressure3.Select Calibrate tyre pressure .4.Press OK.5. Start the car and drive at least at 40 km/hfor a total of at least 1 minute and checkthat the message disappears.> Calibration is complete.Rectifying low tyre pressureIf a message for low tyre pressure is shown inthe display:1. Check the tyre pressure in all four tyres.2. Inflate the tyre(s) to the correct pressure.3. Drive at least at 40 km/h for a total of atleast 1 minute and check that the messagedisappears.Deactivating/activating tyre pressuremonitoringNOTEThe engine must not be running when tyrepressure monitoring is activated/deacti-vated.The settings are made with the control in thecentre console, see page 203.1.Select key position I or II.2.Select the system MY CAR to open themenus to Car settingsTyre pressure3.Select Tyre pressure system and pressOK.
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