V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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08 Wheels and tyres Emergency puncture repair (TMK)08321GeneralEmergency puncture repair (TMK; TemporaryMobility Kit) is used to seal a puncture andcheck and adjust tyre pressure. It consists of acompressor and a bottle with sealing fluid. Thekit works as a temporary repair. The sealingfluid bottle must be replaced before its expira-tion date and after use.The sealing fluid effectively seals tyres punc-tured in the tread.NOTEThe emergency puncture repair kit is onlyintended for sealing tyres with a puncture inthe tread.The emergency puncture repair kit has limitedcapacity to seal tyres which have punctures inthe wall. Do not seal tyres with the emergencypuncture repair kit if they have larger slits,cracks or similar damage.Connect the compressor to one of the car's 12V sockets, see pages 229 and 293. Choose theelectrical socket that is nearest the puncturedtyre.IMPORTANTIf the compressor for emergency puncturerepair is connected to one of the two sock-ets in the tunnel console, see page 229, noother current consumer must be connectedto the other one.NOTEThe compressor for temporary emergencypuncture repair has been tested andapproved by Volvo.Location of the emergency puncturerepair kitSet up the warning triangle if a tyre is beingsealed in a trafficked location. The emergencypuncture repair kit is located under the floor inthe cargo area, see page 318.WARNINGYou should not drive faster than 80 km/hafter the emergency tyre repair kit has beenused. Volvo recommends that you visit anauthorised Volvo workshop for inspection ofthe sealed tyre (maximum driving distanceis 200 km). The staff there can determinewhether or not the tyre can be repaired or ifit needs to be replaced.OverviewLabel, maximum permitted speedSwitchCableBottle holder (orange cap)Protective cap
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