V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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09 Maintenance and serviceFuses 09350GeneralAll electrical functions and components areprotected by a number of fuses in order to pro-tect the car's electrical system from damage byshort circuiting or overloading.If an electrical component or function does notwork, it may be because the component's fusewas temporarily overloaded and failed. If thesame fuse fails repeatedly then there is a faultin the circuit. Volvo recommends that you visitan authorised Volvo workshop for checking.Changing1. Look in the fuse diagram to locate the fuse.2. Pull out the fuse and check from the sideto see whether the curved wire has blown.3. If this is the case, replace it with a new fuseof the same colour and amperage.WARNINGNever use a foreign object, or a fuse with anamperage higher than that specified whenreplacing a fuse. This could cause signifi-cant damage to the electrical system andpossibly lead to fire.Location, fuse boxesCentral electrical unit locations in a left-handdrive car. In a right-hand drive car the centralelectrical units under the glovebox changesides.Engine compartmentUnder the gloveboxUnder the gloveboxCargo area under the cargo floorEngine compartment cold zone (only Start/Stop*)
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