V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.47Unique PCC functions*Remote control key with PCC* - Personal CarCommunicator.Information buttonIndicator lampsUsing the information button enables access tocertain information from the car via the indica-tor lamps.Using the information button–Press the information button .> All indicator lamps flash for approxi-mately 7 seconds and the light travelsaround on the PCC. This indicates thatinformation from the car has been read.If any of the other buttons are pressedduring this time then the reading is inter-rupted.NOTE If none of the indicator lamps illumi-nates with repeated use of the informationbutton and in different locations (as well asafter 7 seconds and after the light has trav-elled around on the PCC), contact a work-shop - an authorised Volvo workshop is rec-ommended.Indicator lamps display information in accord-ance with the following illustration:Green continuous light – the car is locked.Yellow continuous light – the car isunlocked.Red continuous light – the alarm has beentriggered since the car was locked.Red light flashing alternately in both indi-cator lamps – The alarm was triggered lessthan 5 minutes ago.Range PCCThe PCC's range for locking, unlocking andtailgate is about 20 m from the car - for otherfunctions up to about 100 m.If the car does not verify a button being pressed- move closer and try again.NOTEThe information button functions can bedisrupted by surrounding radio waves,buildings, topographical conditions etc.Out of PCC rangeIf the PCC is too far away from the car for theinformation to be read then the status the carwas last left in is shown, without the light trav-elling around on the PCC.If several PCCs are used for the car then it isonly the PCC last used for locking/unlockingthat shows correct status.
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