V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environmentGearboxes 03122* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Reverse gear inhibitorThe reverse gear inhibitor hinders the possibil-ity of mistakenly attempting to engage reversegear during normal forward travel.•Follow the gearing pattern printed on thegear lever and start from neutral position,N before moving it to R position.•Only engage reverse gear when the car isstationary.NOTEWith the upper variant of the shifting patternfor 6-speed gearbox (see previous illustra-tion) - first press down the gear lever in theN position in order to engage reverse gear.Automatic gearbox Geartronic*D: Automatic gear positions. +/–: Manual gearpositions.The information display shows the position ofthe gear selector using the following indica-tions: P, R, N, D, S, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, seepage 71.Gear positionsParking position - PSelect P when starting the engine or when thecar is parked. The brake pedal must bedepressed to disengage the gear selector fromthe P position.The gearbox is mechanically blocked when theP position is engaged. Apply the parking brakeas well, as a precaution - see page 137.NOTEThe gear selector must be in P position toallow the car to be locked and alarmed.IMPORTANTThe car must be stationary when positionP is selected.WARNINGAlways apply the parking brake when park-ing on a slope - the automatic transmis-sion's P position is not sufficient to hold thecar in all situation.Reverse position - RThe car must be stationary when R position isselected.Neutral position - NNo gear is engaged and the engine can bestarted. Apply the parking brake if the car isstationary with the gear selector in N position.Drive position - DD is the normal driving position. Shifting up anddown takes place automatically based on thelevel of acceleration and speed. The car mustbe stationary when the gear selector is movedto D position from R position.
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