V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environment HomeLinkµ *03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.141GeneralHomeLinkµ1 is a programmable remote controlwhich can remotely control up to three differentdevices (e.g. garage door opener, alarm sys-tem, outdoor lighting and indoor lighting etc.)and in doing so replace their remote controls.For more information on HomeLinkµ, visit:www.homelink.com or ring00 8000 466 354 65 (or premium rate phonenumber, +49 6838 907 277).WARNING•If HomeLinkµ is used to operate agarage door or gate, make sure thatthere is no-one in the vicinity of the dooror gate while it is moving.•The car should remain outside thegarage while a garage door opener isbeing programmed.•Do not use HomeLinkµ for any garagedoor that does not have safety stop andsafety reverse.Save the original remote controls for futureprogramming (e.g. when changing to anothercar or for use in another vehicle). It is also rec-ommended that the programming for the but-tons is deleted when the car is sold. See thesection "Resetting the HomeLink® buttons" onpage 142.Programming HomeLinkµNOTEIn certain vehicles the ignition must beswitched on or in "accessory position"before HomeLinkµ can be programmed orused. If possible, fit new batteries in theremote control that shall be replaced byHomeLinkµ for faster programming andimproved transmission of the radio signal.The HomeLinkµ buttons should be resetbefore programming. When this has beendone HomeLinkµ is set in "learn mode" andready for programming.1. Aim the original remote control towards theHomeLinkµ button to be programmed andhold it 5-14 cm from the button. Do notobstruct the indicator lamp onHomeLinkµ.2. Depress the button on the original remotecontrol and the button to be programmedon HomeLinkµ simultaneously. Do notrelease the buttons until the indicator lamphas changed over from slow to rapid flash-ing. Both the buttons must be releasedwhen the indicator lamp flashes quickly.1HomeLink and the HomeLink house symbol are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
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