V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian Protection* 04178* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Collision Warning with Auto Brake is tempo-rarily deactivated with reverse gear engaged.Collision Warning with Auto Brake is not acti-vated at low speeds - under 4 km/h, which iswhy the system does not intervene in situationswhere the car is approaching a vehicle in frontvery slowly, e.g. when parking.In situations where the driver demonstratesactive, aware driving behaviour, a collisionwarning may be postponed slightly in order tokeep unnecessary warnings to a minimum.When Auto Brake has prevented a collisionwith a stationary object the car remains sta-tionary for a maximum of 1.5 seconds. If the caris braked for a vehicle in front that is moving,then speed is reduced to the same speed asthat maintained by the vehicle in front.On a car with manual gearbox the engine stopswhen Auto Brake has stopped the car, unlessthe driver manages to depress the clutch pedalbeforehand.Camera sensor limitationsThe car’s camera sensor is also used - as wellas by Collision Warning with Auto Brake - bythe functions:•Automatic main/dipped beam dimming -see page 88•Road sign information - see page 148•Driver Alert Control – see page 182•Lane Departure Warning – see page 185.NOTEKeep the windscreen surface in front of thecamera sensor clean from ice, snow, mistand dirt.Do not attach or fit anything to the wind-screen in front of the camera sensor, as thiscould reduce or prevent the function of oneor more camera-dependent systems.The camera sensors have limitations similar tothe human eye, i.e. they "see" worse in dark-ness, heavy snowfall or rain and in thick fog forexample. Under such conditions the functionsof camera-dependent systems could be sig-nificantly reduced or temporarily disengaged.Strong oncoming light, reflections in the car-riageway, snow or ice on the road surface, dirtyroad surfaces or unclear lane markings couldalso significantly reduce camera sensor func-tion when it is used to scan the carriagewayand detect pedestrians and other vehicles.The field of vision of the camera sensor is lim-ited, which is why pedestrians and vehiclescannot be detected in some situations, or theyare detected later than anticipated.During very high temperatures the camera istemporarily switched off for about 15 minutesafter the engine is started in order to protectcamera functionality.Fault tracing and actionIf the display shows the message WindscreenSensors blocked then this means that thecamera sensor is blocked and cannot detectpedestrians, vehicles or road markings in frontof the car.At the same time, this means that - besidesCollision Warning with Auto Brake - the Auto-matic main/dipped beam dimming, Road signinformation, Driver Alert Control and LaneDeparture Warning functions will not have fullfunctionality either.The following table presents possible causesfor a message being shown along with theappropriate action.
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